The first Organics for All conference! To mark its 5th anniversary, the Centre d'expertise et de transfert en agriculture biologique et de proximité (CETAB+) is hosting a major conference on organic farming that will be of interest to researchers, advisers, students and farmers, whether engaged in organic or conventional agriculture. Two days will be devoted to technical know-how and the results of research, particularly that carried out with support from NSERC, the main financial partner of CETAB+. The third day will be devoted to the general public. CETAB+ researchers and partners, together with international experts and leading organic producers, will give lectures on soils, green manure, field crops, market-garden production, apple growing, and nutrition and the environment. Panel discussions will feature advisers and farmers. For more details, follow the links below to various sections of the site: Program Speakers Posters Registration information Registration form Information about the place, parking, accommodation, buses and carpooling 5 mars 2015 Domaine(s) d’intervention : Cultures fruitières, Cultures maraîchères, Gestion et mise en marché, Grandes cultures, Sols et engrais verts